وحدة قالت انهم رصدوا جويو بموعد مع حدا بتايوان قبل فيلسبيشال والساسانغ كانوا يبيعوا الصورة وكمان عم يقولوا انهامن زمان معجبة بالتايواني والحين عم يتواعدون هاد الشي صحيح ولا كذب ؟
The unit said they spotted Guoyu date with Taiwan before the end Visbchal and Alsasang they sell the picture and the violin uncle say Anhamn Zaman impressed Baltioana and then uncle Etwatn Haad thing is true and not a lie?
One said that they spotted Joyo on a date with someone in Taiwan before Felsbeishal and Sasang were selling the picture and they are also saying that they have long admired the Taiwanese and now they are dating this thing is true or lying
The unit said that they found a date with a photo and Walkman sold by Taiwan in filaspishar and alssang, what did they say, ending a period of time for fans, so when dating, they said it was true, not a lie?<br>