Aman aman aman aman aman aman Yalmany Yalmany Yalmany flew high and khalani
spin spin barley bread and cakes Mhwarkhrjt pigeons Tfwar Shdwha Lttayh next
Aman aman, Ghazali, ezine with as much Ashwavy garaali, and Hbaly baffled high my neighbors, Valwly ash Lzk, my baby to me Bawjak play, Vltlhm Jane in my soul, and take me me
New new Hakka deprive of Zeno was out of my eyes in Ainu ash Nmlw, Wkhyany
Dalloonee born to hack into government Fawh Mshmwmt, Whrt Vdw denied God how I Yblyh Blaney, Yblyh Bshwvy Nomo, amorous and fly Kmnamy and give the greedy Zmt salami so he come Ylvany