- ويندي لا تواعد لكن اسماء عديدة ومشهورة لايدولز ذكور قاموا بالتواصل معها والاطمئنان عليها بعد تلك الحادثة .. هي محبوبة جدا من قبل الايدولز الذكور ولديها صداقات عديدة
- Wendy does not rendezvoused but many famous names Aidolz males have communion with them and reassuring them after the incident .. is very beloved by Alaidolz males and have many friends
- Wendy does not date but many names and famous for the male idols they contacted and check on after that incident. She's very much loved by the male idols and she has many friends.
Wendy didn't date, but many famous male idols had names they had communicated with her to make sure she was in the aftermath of the accident. She is a very popular man and she has many friends.<br>