Vazlian Tower dean of the Lebanese theater left Monday evening for ninety years
was soon Vazlian Tower (1926 2016) frequented the ranks of the popular masses. Son of well-off family, possessed the necessary strength in order to buy his life, more than once. Under the quiet man race many, many fear, the struggle of many, the lives of mayors love life. Narrators tells what he thought of breaking the iron ring in Istanbul, but after he assured him one of the professors in the Faculty of Arts can not guarantee yet. No paper to ensure the life of the Armenian, the tall, with a mature gravity. In the words of Professor flavor death. Stash the boy die under his skin, and went on the culture of life through death to new life. It tells the narrators, and the tower on top of these narrators, he left the mantle of the theater there. Leave a luxury clothes. When he traveled on a donkey from Turkey to Syria, in the mountains and valleys, has become the next boy from the world of the West. Air eat fruit and the people of the roads. Having arrived at the Lebanese border, he found himself in the city of hair. Get off at the status of Beirut, he told me. Codified in full biography «they» (House of Arts). Roy relates to the theater, life and wrote what Roy. Theater people and the layer.