The tower theatre fazelian Dean's Lebanese pm the two for ninety years.The tower was soon fazelian (1926 - 2016), said to be popular among the public. The son of a well-to-do family, have the strength to buy his life, to most of the time. Under the quiet man, much sweat, fear and struggle, Madha life love life. He tells the narrators in Istanbul that is thought to break the iron ring is a professor in art college, but after it confirmed that no guarantee. The paper that the Armenian life, tall, with a mature attractions. In the words of Professor Tang's death. He's dying under his skin, the culture of life - to the new life through death. He tells the narrators, the tower at the top of the narrators, he left the cloak of theater. Leave the fancy clothes. And when the donkey traveled from Turkey to Syria, in the mountains and valleys, the boy is coming from the western world. Eat the fruit of the air and road. And he came to the Lebanese border, he found himself in the city of hair. Get off at Beirut to his home, he told me. Don, t his is complete in the "they" (house of Arts). Narrated to his on stage and she wrote the narration. Theatre of the people and the layer.